High Protein Gluten Free Pumpkin Pancakes

Yes…They’re as good as they sound and, you guessed it, they’re also full of nutrients and protein! Did you know pumpkins are jammed packed with antioxidants and B vitamins?! A solid win for your fall recipe collection!

*as adapted from Carrots n’ Cake

Cauliflower Crisps

I think we can all agree that one of the toughest things about being on a strict, healthy eating plan is when we get those strong cravings we just can’t keep at bay. Whether it’s chocolate, cookies, cakes or cupcakes…or even something crunchy, like a few handfuls of potato chips…we can all attest to fighting the urge. Can’t we?! Well, fight no more! Cauliflower Crisps are the perfect “carb” substitute for when you get those sudden cravings. They’re as crunchy as ever and have the perfect seasoning to trick those sneaky little taste buds into thinking they’ve just defeated you and your healthy eating goals! As an added bonus…they’re gluten and yeast-free!! These little gems make for the perfect snack, side dish or even healthy appetizer for your next party!