Setting Up Vendor Booths Yay or Nay? What’s a Better Way?

Will setting up a vendor booth at a trade show or expo for your home business be worth your time and money?

Over the years people asked about this a lot.   After doing some vendor booths over the last twenty years from real live personal experience I know how it goes and definitely know how costly they can be, and the results are just not what you might think. In fact, I just did one this last May and it cost me some money for a large banner, brochures, branded wrist bands and some other items I used for my booth not to mention all the time it took.   In some cases there’s a vendor booth fee and those can be quite steep unless you’re splitting the fee with other business partners.

But as a vendor… that just may not the best way. There’s a much better alternative to this strategy to help you walk away with quality prospects to speak with who may be interested or know someone who is interested in your products and/or services without wasting your time or money – especially for people who have a limited budget.  Now I’m not saying never to do vendor booths, they do get you some exposure in the community, this is just an alternative that will cost you way less money.  Time is money too right?

A lot of times people think this is a great way to acquire new customers and partners for their business. But why not show up as a guest and collect other entrepreneurs business cards instead?

This way you’re not out that much money because business cards are inexpensive, and people are used to receiving them.  Especially when you go with the attitude of complimenting other entrepreneurs on their booth, genuinely ask them about their business letting them know you will keep your eyes and ears open to potential clients for their business. In fact, asked them “who would be a good potential client for your business?” You take their card and then let them know that you are also a fellow entrepreneur with xyz business selling xyz product/service. You just found out about this expo and decided to drop by. They will most likely be happy to take your card. When you offer to help others they will be happy to help you in return. That’s just human nature. If not no worries, just keep smiling and networking!

Think Of This As More of A Networking Event

So how do you network and start up a conversation with people you meet at vendor shows?

Remember it’s all about building relationships and connecting with people.  People at vendor or trade shows are entrepreneurial just like you but they are also there to sell their products and services so whatever you say, say it with finesse and charm, smile, be genuinely interested and build rapport and most of all be respectful of their time!  Especially if they have someone already at their booth who’s asking them about their products and/or services. Being intuitive and conscientious of your surroundings and people’s feelings will take you far in the game of networking.

Be sure to compliment them on their booth, etc.  They’ve most likely spent a lot of time and money putting their booth together, so compliments go a long way for rapport building. Most of all be genuine in your interest.

Here’s some questions you might ask: (just pick out a few of these questions you feel comfortable with, it’s not necessary to over drill people.) These questions can be used on phone conversations with potential business partners too.

What do you do for a living?

How long have you been doing that?

Are you happy doing what you’re doing now?

Is there anything you don’t love about it? (their job, etc.)

What would you like to be doing?

What’s their purpose, their passion, their mission? Where do they want to be in the next 5 years?   (long term)

What’s their plan to accomplish that? (their long-term business plan)

What have they done so far to move closer to their dreams, goals, their purpose?

Oh so you don’t have a solid plan worked out? Would you like to see one? (a long-term plan)

How would they like to change their life?

What’s important to them?

Do they have a vision for their life?

What does their vision, their hopes and dreams look like?

Do you have any awesome vacation plans that are coming up? Most people will say they either have no time or money for vacations.  Keep your ears open for clues so you can help them solve their problems.

I’m looking for a few (occupation) entrepreneurial folks that might be open to a side project and making some extra money, do you know anyone like that?  Or people who are looking for something to help with xyz health issue, etc. (whatever your product helps with.)

Leads into this question…

What has you open to making some extra income right now?

Do you have kids, family?

(share a story of someone you know that doesn’t have enough time to see their kids or spend as much time with them as they’d like to.) With your current job or business do you see your kids as much as you’d like to?

Stories are always great to share because they build rapport and are a great way to find out where a person is in their life.

Notice if they are positive and outgoing? If so compliment them about this.  (it’s always more fun to work with people who are fun, positive and outgoing).

Do they enjoy helping others?  (again, if so compliment them and let them know you do too and love working with people who have a servants heart).

Are they interested in home business tax advantages, having a system that helps automate their business, working cold market leads, warm market, in person presentations, meetings, events, training, self-development, social media strategies?  Have they done well with vendor booths?

Ask them if training and support are important to them. Do they ever use social media (Facebook, LinkedIN, Instagram) to make money?  If not are they interested in learning more about how to do this.

Are they a team player or more of a loner?

Are they a self-starter, go getter?

What sort of personality do they have?  (there have been chapters in books written on this subject so find out more about how to determine personality types and how this can help you connect better with people. This helps you develop better relationships to work more efficiently with others. I’ve got several book recommendations on this subject so please ask! I’m always here to help you!)

Most of all …have fun and keep smiling!

Just to show yal’L how long I’ve been in this here networking game here’s a short article I wrote on the same subject way back in the year 2009 – CLICK HERE 

Live Life With Purpose!



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About Gluten Free Lady

My mission is and always has been to help people achieve a purpose driven better quality lifestyle.